As discussed in Background and Basic info on Zoom Bombings (CLICK HERE), protecting Zoom sessions/meetings from Zoom Bombings requires multiple actions by the Host(s).

The first stage of these protections are made in the Zoom Account Settings Menu

- Step 1 - Go to and sign into your account.

- Step 2 - Select Settings.


- Step 3 - Disable Join Before Host

- Step 4 - Turn Waiting Room ON and select All participants. You also have the option of adding a logo image and instructions for people in the Waiting Room.

- Step 5 - Confirm that Allow removed participants to rejoin is Off. On April 1st, 2020, Endicott Campus Technology set this menu option to OFF for all user accounts. Although users have the ability to change this, it is not recommended.

--- This concludes the steps for Basic Security Recommendations for Preventing Zoom Bombings ---

If you would like to invoke higher security settings for your Zoom calls, please go to the following document. 

Bombing High Security Menu Recommendations for Zoom (CLICK HERE)

If you would like to learn more on Scheduling a Secure Meeting - Zoom (CLICK HERE).