Classroom Teaching Station Computers: What should I expect?
All spaces equipped with permanent AV technology will have a teaching computer as standard equipment. The AV systems are designed, calibrated and tested to work more reliably with the computer provided. As discussed in Classroom AV Systems: What can I expect?, laptop connection cables are also available. Please reference Classroom AV Systems: What can I expect? for more information on outside laptop connections.
Deep Freeze: All publicly accessible computers use a security software called Deep Freeze, this includes all teaching station computers. This software allows Campus Tech to set the computer to a standard setup and lock out any other changes. When a computer that has Deep Freeze is rebooted for any reason, any and all changes that happened to the computer since the lock was activated will be deleted and settings reset. This includes all downloads, installs and web browser cookies. Do not save files on public computers, they will be deleted when the computer reboots for any reason. All public computers are set to reboot overnight every night, this allows for a clean slate for the first classes of the day. It is a recommended first troubleshooting step to reboot the computer if there is doubt related to settings being abnormal.
User Account: All publicly accessible computers are set with a generic user account, this includes all teaching station computers. Please do not log out of the computer at the end of your class. If you are asked for a password by the computer, reboot the computer and it will automatically sign into the correct account. This auto-sign in process is not applicable to iMac teaching station computers. If you teach in a room equipped with an iMac, please contact the lab manager.
Web Browsers: All publicly accessible computers have at least 2 web browsers installed on them, this includes all teaching station computers. Chrome is set as the default browser.
MS Office: All publicly accessible computers have the Microsoft Office Suite installed on them, this includes all teaching station computers. Word, PowerPoint and Excel are standard issue. Do not save files on public computers, they will be deleted when the computer reboots for any reason.
Adobe: All publicly accessible computers have at least Adobe Reader installed, this includes all teaching station computers. Depending on the expected usage of the computer, the full Creative Suite may also be installed.
Media Players: All publicly accessible computers are equipped with at least 2 media player software options, this includes all teaching station computers. The default media player is VLC Media Player.
Zoom/Skype: All publicly accessible computers have both Zoom and Skype installed, this includes all teaching station computers.
SPSS: All publicly accessible computers have the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) installed, this includes all teaching station computers.
Requesting Additional Software: Requesting additional and/or specialty software to be installed on publicly accessible computers required a ticket in the FreshService system at LEAST 30 days prior to the start of the academic semester. All public computer (including lab and teaching station computers) are set to standard software packages based on the known requirements of the computer's use. This software package is locked in and will not be altered once an academic semester has started in order to ensure reliability throughout the semester. Only if an existing software has a known issue that will interfere with classes will a mid-semester change be deployed.